Sunday 27 March 2011

derhy spring summer 2011


(01) How beautiful is this catalog? I'm in love with nearly every piece of their collection, the designer is set in none other than france which makes me love it even more. You may or may not know that i'm a sucker for anything french. Anyway I thought i'd share those lovely scans with you although they are horrible quality(sorry) I haven't had time to browse on their website i'm hoping that it won't be on the pricey side but knowing my luck it will. I'm just in love with the simplistic layout of the catalog its so simple yet enticing.

(02) This was my outfit today it was inspired by the hippy phase, it's also featuring a few of my recent purchases such as the floral vest and necklace which are both from primark. Yet again i'm sorry for the horrible quality as these were captured on photobooth.

Thats all for now I hope you had a lovely day xx

Thursday 24 March 2011

Spring has sprung

I own nothing all credit goes to their owners. if any of these are shot by you 
let me know and i'll happily credit.
First of all i'd like to apologise for never actually posting until now I forgot about the new start I was going to pursue although here I am, finally!
                       The sun finally shone today and how beautiful it was, it radiated across my whole body keeping me nice and warm for once! I decided it was time for a shopping trip to a local town and I found many lovely things (i'm actually happy with my purchases, wow) so expect a new post with photos etc. Earlier on I was browsing through elle as you do and I came across some wonderful pieces and entries so scans will also be added to my next entry. Thats all for now xx